Virgin Polyester. Used polyester. End. CuRe. Repeat.
Energy-efficient solution for endless product to product transformation. To recycle infinitely, again and again and again.
Creating a fully circular polyester chain.
Polyester waste issue
Today more than 70 billion kilo of virgin polyester is produced all over the world every year. 91% Of the polyester in the world is not recyclable because it contains colors or additives.
Starting off with an idea
So what if we could recycle all used polyester? Including the colored, mixed and the contaminated? And rejuvenate used polyester up to 100%? What if we could find a real CuRe?
Discovering the solution
And that is exactly what we found! Together with Cumapol, Niaga, DuFor and Morssinkhof, in close collaboration with NHL Stenden University, we discovered a smarter and scalable solution. We call our new technology CuRe.
Pilot plant MM
We have already extensive labscale experience, capabilities and forces and we have built a pilot plant located in Emmen. Plant MM is operated as a continuous process on 24/7 basis.
Finding partners
We aim to share our knowledge. We seek collaborations on a global scale. So the world can roll out our modular designed CuRe technology. Join the polyester rejuvenation revolution!
Meet our team h3 >
Together we have decades of experience in virgin polyester, mechanical recycling, waste preparation, materials science and engineering. Together we create and accelerate our positive impact. To recycle infinitely. Again and again and again.

Targeted applications